Enterprise Toolbox

Essential tools, advice and support for running a business

Get ready, Get set … Oh

You might have that initial burst on the starting blocks. Then hit a wall. Maybe legalities make you loopy, or you get up and search the fridge when faced with writing a business plan (it’s not in there).

As a social entrepreneur, you are driven by your cause – solving a social problem, serving a community or protecting the environment. We understand balancing your mission with business can sometimes feel like dancing the tango while keeping juggling sticks in the air.

Our Enterprise Toolbox is on hand so your social impact doesn’t come at the cost of your bottom line, and vice-versa!

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Where to start

You have the idea, you’ve established there’s a need for your enterprise, but what comes next? Our Enterprise Toolbox is full of practical templates and toolkits to guide you, alongside expert advice to inspire.


You’ll find helpful resources on ideas such as:

  • Start up a business

  • Grow your business

  • Financing your business

  • Employees

  • Skills and Wellbeing

  • Sales and Marketing

Toolbox Resources

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