Post Investment Checklist

Our team will contact you within a few weeks of receiving your investment to collect information about how it has been spent and the impact it has had.

We aim to make this as simple and straightforward as possible; we’ll issue short forms and ask you to upload supporting documents.

After 3 months

  • New Jobs and Jobs Safeguarded

    If you create a new job as part of your application or safeguarding jobs, we will ask you to confirm this and submit the following documentation: a job description, a signed employment contract, and payroll information and bank statements. A copy of this is issued each year.

  • Display Logos

    It is necessary for us to report to our funders on the investments we make and provide them with evidence. So, we will ask that you display the logos we provide on your website, building, paperwork, and marketing materials.

After a Year

  • Annual Declaration

    You’ll need to confirm that your business is still running and let us know if there are any significant changes planned. The form takes five minutes to complete!

  • Social Impact Declaration

    This asks you to confirm the impact of the investment outcomes as described in your application form. You’ll also upload your  latest annual accounts as supporting evidence.

All requirements will be sent to you with the offer documents.

If you have any queries about anything contained in this guidance please contact or liaise with your investment manager, who will be able to talk through any questions you may have.

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