Pre Investment Checklist

You will need to provide us with some basic information about your enterprise. It isn’t as daunting as it may look!

With all of these ticked off get in touch with us and we’ll help you with the next steps.

We can provide templates and guidance on preparing a business plan and cashflow.

Sample Cash-flow and Business Plans can be found in our Toolbox, free for you to download, print and read.

View Downloads

You and your organisation:

  • Certificate of incorporation

  • Governing Document [Memorandum and Articles of Association or constitutional document

  • An informal description of Directors/Trustees and any key people within the organisation

The proposal:

  • Business plan

  • Cashflow forecasts

  • Quotes/tenders for proposed capital spend

  • Job Descriptions for any new posts to be created


  • Bank Statements (last 3 months)

  • Annual Accounts (last 2 years)

  • Latest management accounts (Income and Expenditure and Balance Sheet)


  • Bank letter saying they are unable to support an application for funding.

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