Harri, HQ Recording

Our Impact

Our central mission is to provide flexible loans and grant packages to help community and social enterprise to start-up, become sustainable, and grow.

Client Stories

Total Impact in 23 Years

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Welcome In Community Centre

  • Location: Leeds
  • Sector: Community Services
  • Amount: £150k
  • Purpose: Refurbishment
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Firvale Community Hub

  • Location: Sheffield
  • Sector: Employment, Education and Training Community Services Advisory Services Housing and Accommodation Health Care and Social Care
  • Amount: £250k
  • Purpose: Building
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Really Neet Project

  • Location: Rotherham
  • Sector: Employment, Education and Training
  • Amount: £150k
  • Purpose: Working Capital
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The Bridge

  • Location: Leicester
  • Sector: Community Services Housing and Accommodation
  • Amount: £30k
  • Purpose: Equipment Costs
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Level Up Academy

  • Location: Leeds
  • Sector: Physical Health Leisure Tourism and Sport
  • Amount: £36k
  • Purpose: Equipment Costs
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  • Location: Sheffield
  • Sector: Arts, Creative and Digital Services
  • Amount: £21k
  • Purpose: Renovation Costs
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  • Location: Nottingham
  • Sector: Agriculture, Horticulture & Environmental Management
  • Amount: £77k
  • Purpose: Purchase Building
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Seagulls Reuse

  • Location: Leeds
  • Sector: Environmental and Recycling Arts, Creative and Digital Services
  • Amount: £30k
  • Purpose: Working Capital
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JPC Catering

  • Location: Stockton-on-Tees
  • Sector: Agriculture, Horticulture & Environmental Management Health Care and Social Care
  • Amount: £105k
  • Purpose: Working Capital
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