Client Story

Ordinary Magic

  • Location: Shirley
  • Sector: Health Care and Social Care
  • Amount: £60k
  • Purpose: Growth
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Katie used to work with children affected by murder and terrorism at the National Homicide Service, before managing family support at children’s centres. She was tired of having to wait to reach crisis point before intervention.

“It makes no fiscal sense, no sense to the community, and no sense to the children,” Katie said. “I decided to make a difference. So, I left my job and set up Ordinary Magic in 2019.”

Ordinary Magic supports students’ educational and health plans in schools.

“Just as we were starting to get sustainable, everything stopped.”

In the year prior to Covid, they worked with 1,500 children. “Within the first six weeks of Covid that shot up to 2,000 children.” Katie worked 80-hour weeks during the pandemic.

Covid saw a rise in domestic violence and financial worries tearing through homes. Nine of the children they support lost a significant carer – such as a parent – due to Covid: “Children have been affected by the worst imaginable trauma.”

Ordinary Magic wasn’t entitled to government support as they didn’t operate from their own building and hadn’t been trading long enough.

“We were supporting double the children pre-Covid, with no money.”

Charitable grants got them through the worse periods.

“I’m lucky to have an amazing team behind me and we’re very adaptable. We said, ok, what are the other ways we can trade effectively?”

In December 2020, Key Fund gave them a £60k grant and loan to set up a community coffee shop, The Magic Bean.

“The coffee shop is about providing a place where people can come back together in a safe and supportive way, and feel welcome and included. We’ve had lots of new mums for example who said they feel so alone.”

It also signposts to other services available locally.

With low business rates, favourable rent and Kickstarter schemes, the coffee shop opened in May 2021. Katie works with parent-led community groups to use the space, and has a strong network across Solihull.

She feels they’ve emerged stronger.

“Everyone has had to work at such a fast pace. All staff had training in delivering support via video conferencing. Now we deliver so many programmes online that really do work. That in itself has cut costs.”

The coffee shop has created eight new jobs. Profits will fund support for local children who have suffered from adverse experiences.

She plans a second coffee shop in the area in three years’ time. Her ten-year plan is to purchase a community therapy space. “All children are in need at the moment because they’ve faced a

collective trauma. We need more community services out there, and the Key Fund helped us become a key stakeholder.”

“We would have not existed without the Key Fund money. This money allows us to take full ownership of our business and not be reliant. To have something that’s solely our own that we have control over, and that we can drive forward and sustain, is such a powerful thing. It’s really supported the team to just get excited. We’re so passionate about driving this forward.”

Ruth Green on her daughter.

My daughter, who is ten, struggles with anxiety. It’s frightening and makes her feel as though she’s different, a freak even. With limited tools to help her, I found myself looking for answers and for support. That support came in the form of Katie and her amazing team.

Katie suggested that I bring my daughter to tennis lessons. These weren’t ordinary tennis lessons; these were Ordinary Magic tennis lessons with a kind, supportive and empowering coach.

When lockdown began taking its toll on my daughter’s mental health again, I called Katie and explained that she was now having uncontrollable panic attacks. She spent a good hour checking in with me too which was, at the time, greatly appreciated. After all, dealing with emotional lows takes it out on the whole family, and Katie is a constant source of ‘we can do this’ superpowers.

Talking to the Ordinary Magic team is a great source of emotional support to my daughter which I will be eternally thankful for. I finally feel as though she’s being given the support that she needs.

As parents, we can only do so much. These little people of ours need to know that these huge emotions are normal, and that’s what Ordinary Magic does. It makes them feel that they are normal. That they can face whatever it is that they need to face. They also ensure that parents have the knowledge and support that they need too.

Ordinary Magic offers a very special service to very special people. They empower and help nurture emotional minds and for this, my family will be eternally grateful.

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