
Key Fund is a social enterprise itself and so relies on funding from partners to support its work with community and social enterprises, enabling them to grow their trading activity and social impact. We are truly grateful to the following organisations for their ongoing support.

Why Invest?

The Places Foundation

The Group charity the Places Foundation is an independent charitable organisation which provides grants and social investment to ‘improve the lives of People and Communities that have experienced disadvantage and are furthest from the labour market’.

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Unity Bank

Unity Trust Bank is an ethical business bank. Our social conscience helps organisations to prosper and supports a sustainable future.

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Why Invest?

There’s never been a more important time to challenge the reliance on grant culture. Achieving social change, while supporting local economies to grow, is the sustainable solution.

Social enterprises not only fuel jobs and local economies, they in turn offer services and solutions to society’s challenges.

Key Fund invests in social enterprises with:

  • A clear social or environmental impact
  • A robust business model
  • A strong team with capability to deliver

Let’s Talk

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