Providing finance to support the development or growth of trading activity, including cash-flow, working capital, and asset development or purchase.
The organisations must have clear social aims
and objectives, and fit one of the following description – Not for private profit, asset locked, have
clear policies/restrictions around profit distribution.
Fund Offer:
- Investment from £5,000 to £150,000
- Term 1 -5 years.
- 3 product options as follows:
- Product 1 – up to 30% of the loan amount as grant, interest rate at 6.5%, arrangement fee of 1%
- Product 2 – up to 18% of the loan amount as grant, interest rate at 4%, arrangement fee of 1%
- Product 3 – Shariah compliant with no interest, arrangement fee of 3.5%
Funded by:
Access – The Foundation for Social Investment
Better Society Capital
Regional Growth Fund
Unity Trust Bank
Barrow Cadbury Trust
The Places Foundation
Joseph Rowntree Foundation
Mercers’ Charitable Foundation