
Gulnaz – Firvale Community Hub

Key Fund has stood shoulder to shoulder with our hub and taken us to the next level.

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2 March 2023 adminkey-fund

Patrick – The Bridge Homelessness to Hope

Homelessness is not the issue; we’re fighting depression, mental health and alcohol misuse. I’ve got a guy now, just out of jail, he’s been given a place with a bed and that’s it. He came to me and said all his friends were out on the streets; he didn’t have any on-going support. For me, […]

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22 February 2023 adminkey-fund

Kayleigh – ArtWorks

Its vulnerable groups we hope to access – people who need a bit of support, that’s what we’re here for.

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22 February 2023 adminkey-fund

Starr – CAST

They supported me with my anger issues basically, and taught me to control and deal with everything. They’ve shown me the bright side of having autism, not the dark side of it.

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21 February 2023 adminkey-fund

Michael – CAST

I was aware of social problems in the village and also aware that fishing has been a source of community cohesion for young men in colliery villages. Research shows fishing is an effective way of working with people with autism, dyslexia and ADHD, and works well for particularly hard to reach young men.

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21 February 2023 adminkey-fund

Kate – Seagulls Reuse

We’re really passionate about the planet, we’re really passionate about people. We see the difference it makes to our lives, and others; that drives us.

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21 February 2023 adminkey-fund

Kate – Seagulls Reuse

We call ourselves a bit of a last chance saloon for anyone really who needs a leg up. It’s quite holistic; we eat together, cook together and listen. It’s about providing somewhere people can get back on an even keel.

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21 February 2023 adminkey-fund

Chris – Ebikebrum

People in parts of the West Midlands are twice as likely to be admitted to hospital due to obesity. If 10% more 11-25 year olds get involved with regular physical activity, it would save the NHS £8bn across this group’s lifetime in terms of health interventions.

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19 February 2023 adminkey-fund

Paul – JCP Community Farm

We dreamt about a community-based farm where James could grow old with other adults with special needs. But our only option was to spend the rest of our lives trying to create it.

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19 February 2023 adminkey-fund

Kayleigh Cruickshank – Artworks, Sheffield

We spoke to the bank and they weren’t able to help us. Without the support of Key Fund, we wouldn’t have been in this position to get this amazing community building.

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8 February 2023 adminkey-fund

Gemma – Key Fund

The Key Fund is more than just a job, clocking in and clocking out day-after-day for your pay, it’s about feeding the soul and enabling real positive change.

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2 February 2023 adminkey-fund

Alisa – The Welcome Inn

We worked every Bank Holiday and on Saturdays, because the need was consistent. I thought I needed to get a food parcel to this lady that day. It transpired, she lived in a little flat, hidden away at the end of a cul-de-sac, so nobody would walk past. She had big posters in the window […]

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31 January 2023 adminkey-fund
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